Students should register for the password self-service. If you haven’t registered and you need a
password reset, please use our chat service from the service desk portal
Click on Need Help and Chat with us to create a service desk request if you have trouble logging in to Moodle.

Example interaction with RoeBot showing you how to raise a Service desk request.
Bot: Hello there. I'm
RoeBot. I am here to assist.
Bot: What's your full name?
Customer: [provide full name]
Bot: Thanks [name], what's your contact number?
Customer: [provide contact number]
Bot: Great! What's your Roehampton email address?
Customer: [provide Roehampton email address]
Bot: Perfect [name]! What do you need help with?
Customer: [say your issue in a few words – e.g.,
trouble logging in]
Bot: If you are having trouble logging in to your Roehampton account,
please double-check that you are entering your username and password correctly.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by visiting this link:
For assistance with your username, speak to one of our agents via live chat or
raise a ticket. We are always here to help you with any login issues you may
Bot: Please find the recommended article(s)
[Customer Feedback: Did this answer your question? - No]
1. Why can't I login?
Bot: In order to provide you with additional assistance, we would
like to offer you two options.
Customer: Raise a Ticket
Bot: In order for me to create you a ticket please can you provide the
Bot: Where are you currently located [name]
Customer: Not On Campus
Bot: Are you Staff or Student
Customer: Student
Bot: [name] can you help us categorise your issue?
Customer: Moodle
A service
desk ticket will be created[ticket number]
* Please not all service desk requests should be made by the student directly for GDPR reasons.